Home - The Editing Edge
Professional editing and proofreading for clarity and consistency.
Structural editing - The Editing Edge
Structural editing (also called developmental editing or substantive editing) is the most complex and time-consuming stage of the editorial process. It can also be the most expensive, and that’s why m...
Services - The Editing Edge
The Editing Edge provides quality online editing and proofreading to individuals and organisations to make your work consistent, clear and succinct, whilst retaining your authentic voice. Whether you ...
About - The Editing Edge
The Editing Edge is owned and operated by Jeni Lewington who is passionate about assisting you (as an author of a book, website, report, thesis, newsletter or PowerPoint) to produce your best work pos...
Posts - The Editing Edge
There exists a common misconception that if your manuscript isn’t in great condition, it needs a structural edit; if it is in reasonable condition, it needs a copyedit; and if it’s in pret...
4 Common Editing Corrections - The Editing Edge
Whenever I undertake a copyedit, I prepare a style sheet to ensure consistency of spelling, punctuation and other stylistic conventions within a document. Having completed a number of these now, I’ve ...