Non-profit | The Female Lead
The Female Lead is an educational charity dedicated to making women's stories more visible
Videos | The Female Lead
We understand our world through stories; they are the foundation of our culture and our history. For too long women have played supporting parts in these narratives, but at...
ABOUT | The Female Lead
The Social Media Pledge was shared by over 150 influencers and reached 20 million users with 330 million impressions. The research was covered in the Sunday Express,Daily Mail, Telegraph and Psycho...
BOOKS | The Female Lead
The stories of 67 remarkable women, from diverse backgrounds, interviewed exclusively for this collection. All show the incredible strength, talent, ingenuity, resilience, and bravery that women posse...
67 Catalogue | The Female Lead
The Female Lead
Through the collected stories we show women the countless routes to fulfilment. Together our female leads, who range in age, background, career, nationality, race, and beliefs, demonst...
What we do | The Female Lead
We have a number of expert programmes that are designed to engage and inform businesses about what their female employees need, with the end goal of to strengthening engagement and progression.