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The Hungry Dog
The Hungry Dog I the first person in the history of the world to return to a blog after a 7-year hiatus? I actually thought I'd lost The Hungry Dog. I put it aside for awhile, a few years, an...
The Hungry Dog: The 7-year hiatus I the first person in the history of the world to return to a blog after a 7-year hiatus? I actually thought I'd lost The Hungry Dog...
The Hungry Dog: Paris, France
Since we returned from our trip a few weeks ago, many friends have kindly asked what we did in Paris. We have answers: we ate great food,...
The Hungry Dog: Mahi mahi, with summer vegetables
Over the last month, I've become very fond of quick cooking. And if it's something speedy that can also come together in one pan, I like it...
The Hungry Dog: Teriyaki round 2, and beachside adventures
Success! It took me long enough, but I finally had another go around with the teriyaki business. Remember back in October when I made...
The Hungry Dog: The Hungry Dog gets a summer
While I remain largely afraid of pie crust, I've developed a certain level of comfort with the free-form tart, whose beauty lies in its r...