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International Council of Design | International Council of Design
leading creatively
What is design?
| International Council of Design
Examining design as a discipline of study and practice focused on the interaction between ‘user’ and man-made environment.
Icograda documents
| International Council of Design
An international organisation representing the professions of design. The Council was founded as Icograda in London in 1963 and will celebrate its 60th anniversary on 27 April 2023. It is a non-profit...
ico-D is now ICoD | International Council of Design
In 2014, to reflect becoming multidisciplinary, our name changed to the International Council of Design. The acronym we had used for over 50 years, Icograda, was replaced by a contracted version, ico...
International Council of Design | International Council of Design
In the current state of the world, it can feel like we are losing our humanity. Technology is creating uncontrollable polarisation. The effects of climate disturbances and political turmoil are drivin...
About ICoD | International Council of Design
ICoD is a Council of independent Member organisations—a global network that shares common issues, commitments and standards on design.