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Services at The Loft - The Loft Violin Shop
Experience the quality, craftsmanship, and service of The Loft Violin Shop The Loft Violin Shop is a full service violin shop. We make, repair, restore, rent, and sell all of the bowed orchestral...
Rental Program - The Loft Violin Shop
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Found a Stradivarius - The Loft Violin Shop
In over forty years in business and after looking at countless thousands of violins at The Loft Violin Shop, only once have we found an actual Stradivarius. It ended up belonging to a collection and.....
Trade-In/ Trade-Up - The Loft Violin Shop
The Loft Violin Shop’s Trade-in and Trade-up policy allows musicians a flexible, affordable way to exchange instruments as their musical needs change. Whether it is changing sizes or stepping up to...
Rental Agreement - The Loft Violin Shop
RENTAL AGREEMENT: The Loft Violin Shop Rental Agreement is subject to the terms on the reverse side of this form. The renter (the financially responsible adult 21 years of age or older) therein...
Schedule an Appt - The Loft Violin Shop
To schedule an appointment or reach us with any questions, please give us a call at 614-267-7221, email us at, or complete the contact form below. ...