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Terms and Acronyms from Equine Feed Analysis
Interpreting nutrition terms and acronyms on hay or feed analysis printouts It can be very confusing to understand what all the various acronyms that are printed on your feed or hay analysis ...
Problem Solving Part 1
Problem Solving in Barrel Racing Part I Every month I receive over 100 emails from people having problems with their barrel horses. My first suggestion to most of the questions is for them to ...
Signs of Spring Grass Founder
It's Spring, the grass is growing like crazy, and you are worrying about the probability of founder in your horse or pony... How can you tell if the animal is at risk or if an attack is coming? ...
Flax Seed Vs. Rice Bran
Ask The Equine Nutritionist I have heard of using both rice bran and flax seed for putting weight on a horse. Which one has the higher fat content? Which one would do best to put weight on a horse? In...
Correcting Riding Problems--Seat, Spine and Shoulders
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Correcting Riding Problems--Legs
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