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The Midnight Covenant - The End Justifies the Means
The End Justifies the Means - Hosted by Shivtr
Synopsis | The Midnight Covenant
Mission Statement ~ The Midnight Covenant is a multi-game heavy RP guild that was founded on August 29th, 2012, with a focus on dark fiction and strong sense of narrative depth that compels both story...
Enlistment | The Midnight Covenant
Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the Midnight Covenant. First, give the Synopsis a good read over, to make sure that TMC is something that you'd actually be interested in and ensure that you have a c...
Prerequisites | The Midnight Covenant
Right of Offset Disclaimer The Guild reserves the right to modify, add, supplement, subtract, update, or otherwise alter any and all rules, regulations, codes, policies, and procedures as deemed relev...
Activity | The Midnight Covenant
A1: Activity Requirements Members are expected to remain active and contribute to the Guild's RP environment and progression by regularly participating in events and RP scenes with their Guilded chara...
Scions | The Midnight Covenant