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The NewsGuy Show: September 2013
The musings of a New Yorker living in Iceland who reads too much news.
The NewsGuy Show: 2013.09.16: N9OGL Drama
N9OGL tries out paragliding The fallout from Todd "N9OGL" Daugherty's defense of anime and lolicon last Saturday continues. Fellow ham r...
The NewsGuy Show: 2013
Well, the "emergency", the shutting down of N.I.M. Busters, turned out to be a false alarm because the site came back up before the show started. But I still (somewhat) covered the local elections acr...
The NewsGuy Show: 2013.09.15: Paula Deen's Comeback
As Southern chef Paula Deen begins her road to redemption after her recent "Enner" controversy, NewsGuy explores some alternative career c...
The NewsGuy Show: 2013.09.20: Linda4444 vs. Pdemsky
Targeted Individual, Linda4444, calls in to address things being said about her in the chatroom. Hilarity ensues after Paul Demsky ask...
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