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The Old High Churchman: 2020
Some thoughts about Anglicanism - Continuing and otherwise - from an old-fashioned High Churchman.
The Old High Churchman: 2019
Monday, December 30, 2019 The theological foundations of Anglican were long accepted to be the Bible, the Articles of Religion, the Book of Common Prayer and the Ordinal. To a greater or lesser exte...
The Old High Churchman: The Old High Church Ethos
Ethos is a word that seems to have been popularized, at least in Church of England circles, by the Rev. John Keble. It refers to that combi...
The Old High Churchman: More Thoughts on Central Churchmanship
The key idea for Central Churchmen is the idea of being loyal to the Anglican expression of Christianity in theology, worship and discipline...
The Old High Churchman: Priorities
The latest bought of meaningless oecumenicism between the Bishop of Rome and the Patriarch of Moscow got me thinking about what it means to ...
The Old High Churchman: The Prayer Book Calendar
I am surprised by how many folks have difficulty with understanding the methodology behind the Church Calendar. I usually explain it this wa...