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Being Productive
It's been an insanely busy week. I started using google calendar again after reading an article about, "the habits of billionaires". I've been looking for ways to increase my productivity and started ...
Recent Posts △ Robot Panda Magazine
written by Panda-ÏÏ
Working From Home
I've been making alot of updates to the home office. Now that I think about it, I don't know how I've been here for 8 months and DIDN'T have this dedicated workspace set up. Usually I only work form a...
Racing Simulator
If you’ve read the past few articles then you know I’ve been trying to catch up on my writing. I spent the whole month recording footage and editing videos for the website. As a byproduct, I shelved a...
Who Is Panda △ Godly Villains
IN 2017 HE WAS ORDAINED A MINISTER. HIS AREA OF FOCUS IS STUDYING DEMONOLOGY & THE OCCULT. Panda (Steven Sanchez) is a 32 year old Artist & Entrepreneur, based in Chicago. Over the past twelve years...