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The Tanster
The Tanster's blog exposes the methods and motivations of those shadow groups trying to control and oppress the general public.
I’ve read this a few times to try and make sense of what’s happened to us. — The Tanster
The link is here . I can’t know if all this is true. As always, make up your own mind and find out the truth with your own search.
A True Leader Unites People, Not Divide Them, Do Not Find Faults,But Finds Remedies, Do Not Sow
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Men with insight, men in granite. — The Tanster
Van Morrison - Tupelo Honey They can’t keep us from the road to freedom. They can’t keep us because our eyes can see We got men with insight Men in granite We got knights with armor Intent on...
St. Dominic’s Preview by Van Morrison. — The Tanster
And the record company has paid out for the wine You got everything in the world you ever wanted And right about now, your face should wear a smile, do you know that? That's the way it all should happ...
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