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Who controls the agreed upon reality through the mainstream media and why they fear disclosing the
2021 NOTE 20 years later... This article was primarily written to help further my own understanding of what I have experienced and became involved with. To understand the percept...
Analysis of information provided by Elena Danaan
3 Examples: Of the many corroborations listed of Elena's information, there are for example 3 that were scientifically verified by NASA afterwards, in which ther...
Who controls the agreed upon reality through the mainstream media and why they fear disclosing the
So looking back on the time line for more than a century of history of what possible indicators and events help us to understand better how to answer the question, “Who controls the perception o...
Imagine This...
Imagine This... The following to some may seem like a fictional portrayal of the future, to others it may seem like a premonition of things yet to come. As all thought is creative on various levels ...
Who controls the agreed upon reality through the mainstream media and why they fear disclosing the
Today Secret Space Program Witness (SSPW) testimonies are coming out from some individuals who were personally recruited via MILAB programs into Secret Space Program operations. As these testimon...
Who controls the agreed upon reality through the mainstream media and why they fear disclosing the
The following list is of around 200 various interviews and other videos I've done over the years since 2001. This page is under construction and needs a bit tidying up and is ...