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the white words | my thoughts for the day: August 2011
It has been quite a long time in blog days, don't you think? I've been MIA for a week or so, mentally and physically. But, I am hoping that as I find some consistency and clarity in my days (and tho...
the white words | my thoughts for the day: thrive.
I have a confession. I am terrified to go to a developing country. There are a couple of reasons for my fear, and they both are all about m...
the white words | my thoughts for the day: of boys & men
Today is a very good day. Matt and our oldest son (age 7) participate in the YMCA's Indian Guides. Every year, through Guides, they part...
the white words | my thoughts for the day: my take on the ShaToBu
I have been wearing my ShaToBu for a couple of weeks now, and this is my official "review" of the product. { Note: This is my blog, and I...
the white words | my thoughts for the day: A boy and his dog
A couple of weeks ago, we had an incident where Rico seemlingly bit Ian, our five year old, in the face after Ian woke him up from a sleep. ...
the white words | my thoughts for the day: What if... ?
I despise the ledge in my two story foyer. While it would be charming to put things up there, like greenery, a chest, candles, etc., my curr...