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The Wicked StepMomster's Guide | Coming to a bookstore near you in 2013
Welcome to The Wicked StepMomster's temporary website, where you can learn all about our forthcoming book: The Wicked StepMomster's Guide, coming out in 2013.(We're having our children employees buil...
Wicked Blog | The Wicked StepMomster's Guide | Coming to a bookstore near you in 2013
Coming to a bookstore near you in 2013
The Foreword | The Wicked StepMomster's Guide
Left to their own devices, children will siphon your hard earned money for a farrago of fripperies such as private school tuition, braces, toys, and the most galling of all: youth athletics. Every Wi...
The Twelve days of Wicked StepMomster Christmas | The Wicked StepMomster's Guide
On the first day of Christmas my family gave to me, a virus called Swine Flu Three. On the second day of Christmas my family gave to me, 2 broken windows and a virus called Swine Flu Three. On the thi...
Shit your kids don’t say, but should. | The Wicked StepMomster's Guide
Want to suggest a pithy saying worthy of The Wicked StepMomster in you, leave a Comment where it says Leave a Reply, below.
The Wicked StepMomster’s Prayer | The Wicked StepMomster's Guide
Our bartender who art in our bar Generous be thy pours The Wicked StepMomsters come Their patience done with children, work and home life Give us this day our daily drink And forgive us our gossiping ...