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Three Ladies and Three More: Dating after 30, 40, 50...
You’ve all seen the memes. There are more people than ever dating at a much older age. And realistically there is some truth behind those ...
Three Ladies and Three More: Life after a narcissist
This blog has been a long time coming. Like a LONG time. But there are so many emotions wrapped up with finally putting it down in prin...
Three Ladies and Three More: April 2018
I've seen a lot of kids over the years and I sure love them, my own the most of course. So when I see people complaining about "kids these days", it really infuriates me. There will always be good o...
Three Ladies and Three More: November 2018
A year ago I wrote a post titled "Never Settle" after some inspiration from another woman sharing her story about her wonderful second husband. I am always more than willing to oo and aahh and gush o...
Three Ladies and Three More: 2020
Sometimes when I lay awake at night, like Saturday night after Tim had a fire call, random creative things pop into my head. So yes, I was writing this at just after midnight. Thank goodness for the...
Three Ladies and Three More: Is it a big deal?
I read a blog once that was written by a woman who had lost her husband. In the blog she talked about how we make a big deal out of things...