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The Hydrographic Society UK & Ireland
THS:UKI is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental, learned professional society which provides a forum for those involved or related to Hydrography & associated disciplines.
Training & Courses - The Hydrographic Society UK
The Hydrographic Society UK Training & Courses This page lists a range of academic and commercial courses and training programmes in hydrographic surveying and associated disciplines. Details of BSc a...
The Hydrographic Society in Scotland - The Hydrographic Society UK
The Hydrographic Society UK The Hydrographic Society in Scotland (Scottish Region) can be contacted at The Regional officers are: Directions to the Carmelite Hotel, ...
Post-Nominal & Fellowship Scheme - The Hydrographic Society UK
Post-Nominal & Fellowship Scheme Introduction Individual membership of The Hydrographic Society UK is open to anyone with any level of expertise or interest in the many and varied facets of hydrogr...
Events - The Hydrographic Society UK
The Hydrographic Society UK London THS in Scotland Evening MeetingTHS in Scotland25 May 2016featuring presentations on 'Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Surveying and Inspection Applications' Aber...
MSc in Hydrographic Surveying - The Hydrographic Society UK
The Hydrographic Society UK Venue The MSc in Hydrographic Surveying at University College London is taught jointly with the Port of London Authority. It is a full time twelve month programme in mode...