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Home - Timetabling and Venue Bookings
Welcome to Timetabling and Venue Bookings Structure and Plan Your Timetable What We Do The Timetabling and Venue Booking Office manages and processes: The lecture timetables for all campuses, except M...
Calendar - Timetabling and Venue Bookings
Timetables and venue bookings can be viewed from the publications accessed from each campus on this webpage. These publications are updated overnight (venues, LANs, tests), lecture timetable updates v...
Examination Timetable - Timetabling and Venue Bookings
University of KwaZulu-Natal Examination Timetables Please use the following email address for any exam timetable queries: NB: Please familiarise yourself with the excerpt from th...
LANs - Timetabling and Venue Bookings
This page contains the link to each campus venue. Please click the relevant link below to access the required timetables: 2022 Westville Campus LAN Bookings From this link you will be taken to
News Archive - Timetabling and Venue Bookings
News Archive - Timetabling and Venue Bookings
2023 CALENDAR EW - Timetabling and Venue Bookings
Timetabling and Venue Bookings Howard College Pietermaritzburg Campus Edgewood Campus Medical School Howard College Pietermaritzburg Campus Edgewood Campus Medical School Howard College Pietermaritzbu...