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Publications Journal Article Zhifei Zhang, Duoqian Miao, Xiaodong Yue. Similarity Measure for Short Texts Using Topic Models and Rough Sets. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2013, 9(16):...
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word segmentation) [download] A Dictionary from People's Daily Corpus (by ICL at Peking Univ., and for word segmentation) [download] Tongyici Cilin(Extended) (by SCIR at Harbin Inst. of Tech., and fo...
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[1] Z.F. Zhang, D.Q. Miao, Z.H. Wei and L. Wang, "Document-level Sentiment Classification Based on Behavior-Knowledge Space Method", in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Dat...
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Domestic SCIR Lab at Harbin Inst. of Tech. (Directed by Ting Liu) NLP Lab at Soochow Univ. (Directed by Guodong Zhou) NLPR at Inst. of Automation, CAS (Directed by Chengqing Zong) NLP Group at Inst. o...
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