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Popular pages
Funny Comic Strips | Cartoons | Rex and Dexter
Funny comic strip about a weiner dog Rex and his loyal master, Dexter. These cartoons are for the purpose of laughing only.
Swipe Credit Card Here | Funny Comic Strips | Cartoons | Rex and Dexter
A street bum with an orange hat is holding a cup asking for change. The passerby refuses with the excuse that he hasn't got any change to spare. Luckily our innovative IT saavy homeless has a wireles...
At the Top Cartoon | Funny Comic Strips | Cartoons | Rex and Dexter
Rex and Dexter are on a hike, and just about to make it to the very peak of a 6000 ft elevation.
Collection Agency Cartoon | Funny Comic Strips | Cartoons | Rex and Dexter
Dexter goes to the collection agency to try to negotiate the terms of his payments, hoping that they may even drop the charges. He brings along Rex and tells him to wear a spike collar and to try to ...
Cartoon Services | Funny Comic Strips | Cartoons | Rex and Dexter
Custom cartoon illustration services for various needs: Advertising, promotional material, newsletters, presentations, print and online media, calendars, t-shirts, mugs, books or any project that need...
ESL Printable Worksheets | Funny Comic Strips | Cartoons | Rex and Dexter
This webpage provides cartoon worksheets to be used in the classroom. Ideal for teaching English, ESL, EFL, or for any subject.