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In 2 Touch | Touch Rugby Leagues South Africa
Fantastic League Format All of our leagues feature weekly matches played in 40 minute slots. Each league also features promotion, relegation, trophies and prizes. We have leagues for all abilities and...
Venues | In 2 Touch
In 2 Touch venues All of our leagues feature weekly matches played in 40 minute slots. Each league also features promotion, relegation and prizes. We have multiple divisions and endeavor to enter you ...
News | In 2 Touch | Touch Rugby Leagues South Africa
Overview Malise and the Machine is an adult RPG for PC made using a highly improved version of RPG Maker VX Ace.The project has been in development for over a year now, but now it’s time to expand the...
About Touch Rugby | In 2 Touch
About Touch Rugby Dive into the excitement of our Touch Rugby league, where fast-paced action meets fun and fitness. Perfect for all skill levels, our league offers a welcoming community, thrilling ga...
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Register | In 2 Touch
How the Spawtz System Works: Load up your players into the system and they will receive fixture reminder emails each week. Within these reminder emails are links that your players can click on to info...