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Dyrea's Translations
Archive of translations (mostly) done by me.
Dyrea's Translations - Translation List
Translation List Aqours BLT Voice Girls: Rikyako | Shukashuu | Anchan | Suwawa | Ainya | Arisha BD Interviews: BD1 Anchan | BD2 Rikyako | BD3 Aiai | BD3 King | BD4 Aikyan | BD5 Arisha | BD6 Suwawa |.....
Dyrea's Translations
LLDays Vol. 21 Liyuu Interview - Misaki Nako / Liyuu / Payton Naomi ~The Trio’s Origins~Liyuu-san has loved Love Live! from a long time ago. Because of that, we’re here to ask her about the challenges...
Dyrea's Translations - About me
About me I’m actually pretty new in the fandom, only having joined in October 6, 2015, after watching the LL movie. At that time, I hadn’t even watched the anime at all; I got to know about the series...
Dyrea's Translations
Liella! 2nd Gen Interviews - Emori Aya Then, when I saw the visuals for the 2nd gen members, I was somehow drawn toward Natsumi-chan. I remember thinking, “She’s the only one suitable for me.” She’s.....
Dyrea's Translations
instigare: “ Love Live! μ’s Final LoveLive! ~μ’sic Forever ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪~ English subs are finally complete! Team ONIBE along with LoveEcho! and VCB-Studio present - Love Live! μ’s Final LoveLive!...