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TransPosition TransPosition TransPosition is the trading name of Peter Davidson Consulting, which has operated since 1993, with a special focus on the analytical side of transport, software developmen...
About TransPosition
About TransPosition TransPosition (formerly known as Peter Davidson Consulting) is a specialist transport planning, transport modelling, and information technology company that was formed in 1993. Bui...
Transport Modelling
Transport Modelling Traffic Modelling As well as the new approaches to transport modelling in the TPACS model (formally named 4S model), TransPosition has had broad and deep experience with...
Team Peter Davidson has worked in the transport planning field for almost 20 years, starting his career at Main Roads, then joining a private consultancy before forming his own company in 1993. He has...
Research Research TransPosition has always maintained a high level of original research throughout its consulting work. The research covers a range of areas to do with transport planning, transport mo...
The TPACS Model
The TPACS Model The TPACS Model Work began on the TPACS model (formally named 4S model) in 2008 and was first used for the Toowoomba regional council transport strategy in 2009. Since then a number of...