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TREeCOLOGY MN - Twin Cities Tree Care Services and Education
TREeCOLOGY is a local tree maintenance company that provides high quality tree care throughout the Twin Cities (Minneapolis, MN and St. Paul, MN).
Soil Health | Treecology MN
Soil Health In a natural forest setting, trees take care of themselves. Each fall the soil is covered with leaves providing an ample supply of mulch and eventual organics and nutrients. Often times ur...
Nature | Treecology MN
Nature The majority of Minnesota can be broken into 3 distinct biomes which are coniferous forest, prairie grasslands, and deciduous forest. Unfortunately, as Minnesota lands were developed, a separat...
Tree Pruning and Maintenance | Treecology MN
Tree Pruning and Maintenance Tree Pruning Pruning is the most common tree maintenance practice. In urban landscapes, tree pruning is needed to improve overall structure, to enhance vitality, and to m...
Boring Insects | Treecology MN
Oak with severe tip die back from Two-lined chestnut borer. Description: Insects that feed under the bark of braches and trunk causing major dieback, crown thinning and tree death. Borers on birch and...
The Basics of Proper Shrub Pruning | Treecology MN
The Basics of Proper Shrub Pruning Shrubs are a valuable, often under appreciated part of landscapes providing diversity in growth form, foliage, flowers, fruits, and fall color. Proper pruning is ess...