TREND Group | Mosaic Tiles | Flooring | USA | Italy | Australasia | Dubai
As one of the world’s leading producers of color glass mosaic tiles, TREND Group has captured the creativity of today’s celebrated architects & artists.
Trend GB - Mosaic and Agglomerates
Constant commitment towards research and development, creativity and innovation and an important eco-philosophy path give birth to the collections of mosaics, colored glass, agglomerates, enamel and g...
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Constant commitment towards research and development, creativity and innovation and an important eco-philosophy path give birth to the collections of mosaics, colored glass, engeneered surfaces (Trend...
Trend Europe - Mosaic and Agglomerates
fax +39 0444 338 777
Trend Italia - Mosaici e Agglomerati
Costante ricerca e sviluppo, creatività, innovazione e un importante percorso eco-philosophy danno vita alle esclusive collezioni di mosaico, vetro, agglomerati, smalti e ori colorati di Trend Group S...
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Recherche et développement constants, créativité, innovation et un parcours éco-philosophie important donnent vie aux collections exclusives de pâte de verre, d’agglomérés, d’émaux et d’ors colorés de...