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Witness Lee on the Triune God Processed
The Three of the Divine Trinity are eternally distinct yet never separate. Therefore, in every step of Christs human experience and work, the entire Trinity had to be inextricably involved.
Witness Lee on the Triune God Essential & Economical
The essential Trinity denotes the existence of the Trinity in His divine essence, viewed independently of our human experience.
Witness Lee on the Triune God Explained
Witness Lee carefully clarifies this essential and economical distinction: Economically, God cannot die for us, but essentially, God within Jesus died for us. Actually, however, that was not God dyin...
The Triune God: refs. include Witness Lee, Watchman Nee
Above all, the terms Father, Son, and Spirit indicate that the Triune God is a God of life. The begetting Father is the source of the divine life.
Witness Lee: Quotes on the Triune God
Quotes from the writings of Witness Lee on the mysterious subject of the Divine Trinity.
The Triune God: refs. include Witness Lee, Watchman Nee
The Triune God in Christ has passed through the processes of incarnation, human living, death, and resurrection, that He may be one with mankind, and that they may fully share in all that God is and a...