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2004 - Recreational Mobile Chess960
chess without memorizing ECO for variant 518
Fischer Random chess960 essentials - Recreational Mobile Chess960
I am collecting here some generally most important IMHO chess960 links for newbies. The active blogs are watched below in Chess RSS in the...
The Real Blogger Status: Removing Blogs From Your Reading List - Recreational Mobile Chess960
One of the strangest cases of confusion, exhibited in Blogger Help Forum: How Do I? , comes from people who only want to remove a blog from ...
The Bigger Brother with his Great Monitoring SoftWare - Recreational Mobile Chess960
I won’t even dignify this deletion with any begging. It was a really, really small blog - 5 posts or so - an intended backup of an unreliab...
Official Sharing Buttons on Blogger - Recreational Mobile Chess960
Official Sharing Buttons on Blogger ~ Blogger Widgets : "So i guess that you are really interested in implementing these Sharing buttons on...
Introducing Blogger Stats - Recreational Mobile Chess960
Blogger in Draft: Introducing Blogger Stats : "Posted by Staszek Paśko and Wiktor Gworek, Software Engineers - Sent using Google Toolbar"