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TuneVNAV Descent Pro3 - We'll get you down safe!
TuneVNAV Descent Pro3 is a FMC like software that calculates the descent & approach speeds of a descending airplane, all the way to the runway. Now for ANY airport in the World as it uses Navigraph AI...
TuneVNAV Descent Pro v.2.0
IMPORTANT! TuneVNAV Descent Pro3's results will NOT display some of the waypoints from the TP, this way on the plane's FMC you will have more waypoints then into the ...
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TuneVNAV Descent Pro3
Manual registering procedure The manual registering procedure applies to the users that have an excessive ISP firewall protection or to the users that do not have inte...
TuneVNAV Descent Pro3
2.Updatable Airplanes DataBase 5. The approach speeds are exactly the Maneuvering speeds! Make all the calculations on the ground, at the departure ...
TuneVNAV Descent v1.3
All Rights Reserved This lesson is about how approach controllers can deal with the traffic according to aircraft performances and use of speeds. 1 - Aircraft ...