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Tussock Upstairs
Tussock Upstairs Gallery Tussock Upstairs Gallery is located in the heart of Point Lonsdale’s busy tourist strip. The gallery has now been operating since March 2012. Summer opening times: Exhibitio...
Tussock Upstairs – About
POINT LONSDALE GAINS ITS OWN GALLERY An exciting new gallery opened in March 2012 in the popular coastal town of Point Lonsdale. Practising artists Bevan Shepherd and Janet Goldman were directors of T...
Tussock Upstairs – Bevan Shepherd – New Works
Bevan Shepherd Purchase an artwork by Bevan Shepherd on line . email us at: for a private viewing at Bevan's studio or payment and delivery. 'The Seclud...
Tussock Upstairs – Stockroom Exhibition & Sale September 14
Works from our stockroom are now on show at the gallery from Monday 15th September until Sunday 12th October. The exhibition includes works by : Anna Curtis - Kate Hudson - Anne Spudvilas Lyn Davis...
Tussock Upstairs – The April Exhibition 19
‘April 19’ - Tussock Upstairs Gallery Nationally acclaimed artist Rona Green and respected local printmaker Janet Goldman will be exhibiting their work in the April exhibition at Tussock Upstairs G...
Tussock Upstairs – ‘The August Collection’ – Sue Cumming – Featured artist
Tussock Upstairs Gallery is featuring Point Lonsdale artist Sue Cumming in its next exhibition. Sue commenced work in the Melbourne Textile Industry in 1970, after completion of a “Diploma of Art” maj...