People | UBC Emotion & Self Lab
Lab Manager
From 2008-2018, Jeff coordinated all research projects and research assistants involved in the Emotion and Self Lab. He spent his time in the lab ensuring that all projects were running ef...
Emotions and Morality | UBC Emotion & Self Lab
Emotions and Morality
In this line of work we are examining how (and why) emotions influence moral judgment. Thus far, we are conducting studies testing whether nonverbal displays of pride and shame, ...
2023 | UBC Emotion & Self Lab
Now in press at JEP:G: Studies led by Zak Witkower show that the dominance nonverbal display is reliably recognized as dominance (and not confused with prestige) by indigenous people in the Mayagna tr...
Projects | UBC Emotion & Self Lab
This line of research, led by Zak Witkower, is systematically tracking the sequential steps involved in the nonverbal communication of pride, beginning with an experiencer’s subjective experience, inc...
2021 | UBC Emotion & Self Lab
Which comes first–feelings of pride that motivate social rank attainment, or rises in social rank that lead to feelings of pride? Check out Zak Witkower, Eric Mercadante, and Jess Tracy’s new paper in...
Research Tools | UBC Emotion & Self Lab
This coding scheme is based on findings reported in Tracy, J. L., & Robins, R. W. (in press). The prototypical pride expression: Development of a nonverbal coding scheme. Emotion; and Tracy, J. L., & ...