Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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We collaborate to serve students and enhance learning We are a division of students, faculty, staff and administrators working together as mindful advocates to support learning. We enhance undergradua...
Welcome to the DUEAP Lab! | Undergraduate Education and Academic Planning
Welcome to the DUEAP Lab! The DUEAP Lab is a resource for faculty and staff who work on courses, program requirements, assessment, academic program review, articulation, and more. The Lab works to as...
Program Information | Undergraduate Education and Academic Planning
Program Information Curriculum development provides administrative support for the development of new academic degree programs, revision of existing programs and discontinuance of obsolete programs. ...
Articulation | Undergraduate Education and Academic Planning
Articulation Greetings! Please email the Articulation staff (link sends e-mail) to request assistance with matters related to transfer credit and articulation to course requirements in SF State's und...
Course Information | Undergraduate Education and Academic Planning
Course Information New course and revisions to existing courses are handled through the Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system. Once a new or revised course has been approved by the Curriculum ...
Resources and Information | Undergraduate Education and Academic Planning
Ideally, your transfer courses will satisfy as many lower division requirements as possible. If your Transfer Credit Report doesn’t indicate that a transfer course is directly equivalent to an SF Stat...