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The University Classic | UHS Band
The University ClassicFMBC Regional | October 28, 2023 At University High School, we believe Marching Band is and ought to be a genuinely artistic and educational experience, helping students to progr...
IB Music | UHS Band
IB MusicGroup 6 HL Course IB Music is a two-year course for juniors and seniors in our International Baccalaureate program. It meets after school to allow our students to continue to participate in el...
Parents | UHS Band
This is for all members and covers transportation throughout the year. If events require the band to take charter buses, the cost of the buses will be distributed among the membership. Charter buses a...
About Us | The University High School Band
Ensembles marked with an asterisk (*) require an audition. All our main ensembles participate in the standard Florida Bandmasters' Association MPA circuit (at the district and state level) and student...
Leadership | UHS Band
LeadershipEmpowering Servant Leaders The University Band Student Leadership Program is a comprehensive curriculum of personal development through servant leadership. The program focuses on individual...
Members | UHS Band
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