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The Unbehind
The Unbehind But doesn't it sound more like this? I'm all for making things as easy as possible, but isn't this what is actually happening? Posted by When I have a Phil Collins cover band it ...
The Unbehind: These notes look so...MUSICAL!
This post is primarily for people that read music and cringe every time they see music-y symbols. But it's also for folks that see this...
The Unbehind: Yeah, what Arto said.
"Listen to the Ambitious Lovers, the whole idea was Al Green and samba. That against this; this against that; a blend, a juxtaposition, loud...
The Unbehind: 7/8 and metric modulation in Led Zeppelin's "The Ocean"
Here's the main riff to Led Zeppelin's "The Ocean." The standard notation for this is a measure of 4/4 followed by a measure of 7/8. I ...
The Unbehind: Unintentional field study: The Beggar Duck
This post started off as a goof on several levels, but quickly became far more interesting than expected. It began with my mild obsession w...
The Unbehind: 2019
But doesn't it sound more like this? I'm all for making things as easy as possible, but isn't this what is actually happening?