Aranea: A Family of Comparable Gigaword Web Corpora
If you use the Aranea corpora for research purposes, or need to mention them for any reason,
please cite the following paper(s):
Benko, Vladimír: Aranea: Yet Another Family of (Compara...
Comenius NoSketch Engine Server
Aranea 2020
Les corpus web comme outils dans la recherche et l’enseignement
Webové korpusy ako nástroj vo výskume a vo vyučovaní
Aranea 2018 Proceedings
Radka Mudrochová
The use of punctuation marks (English, Czech and French) in Reference,
Parallel and Comparable Corpora: Question of Methodology
Olga Nádvorníková
Zdeňka Opavská, Vít Michalec, P...
Aranea: A Family of Comparable Gigaword Web Corpora
Araneum Slovacum
Araneum Slovacum
.sk) and generic (
.com, .edu, .info, .org, .net) TLDs only (Spring crawl),
later this restriction has been released (Winter crawl)
Language similarity threshold set ...
BibTeX Entries
title={{Aranea: Yet Another Family of (Comparable) Web Corpora}},
author={Vladim{\'i}r Benko},