Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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UniPrint : UniPrint : The University of Western Australia
UniPrint Click 'n' collect UniPrint's new cloud-based printing service allows you to upload print documents remotely – your job goes direct to our printer queue, and typically is ready to collect by t...
UniPrint Online Ordering : UniPrint : The University of Western Australia
Access for UWA staff Simply log in with your Pheme details (your staff number and password) and you will be given access to upload and order your print ready jobs. To order stationery, access the full...
Guides and FAQs : UniPrint : The University of Western Australia
What is the largest size you can print? At our Campus Shop we can print colour up to A3 size and black and white up to A0 size while you wait. If you need larger sizes, we can print colour or black an...
How to get your files to UniPrint (interactive guide) : UniPrint : The University of Western
Send Send us an email to inform us of why you have sent and what you would like us to do with it. If you have chosen to 'share a link' to a file or folder don't forget to send us a that link! Don't ...
Thesis binding : UniPrint : The University of Western Australia
Thesis digitisation The UWA Library provides theses online through the UWA Research Repository. To submit your thesis online review the digital thesis repository guide. UniPrint offers a thesis printi...
Services : UniPrint : The University of Western Australia
UniPrint UniPrint has the creative talent and print experience to produce all your communication material. We can work with you throughout the design, print and mailout stages of your project. Our des...