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Happenings | Unity in Ashland
Happening at Unity in Ashland Potluck Feast! **Please bring comfy slippers to wear indoors - marble floors scratch easily! **BECAUSE THERE ARE THREE LOCKED GATES LEADING TO THE CIRCLE OF TRUST, CARA...
Sonnets from Rilke | Unity in Ashland
Does time, as it passes, really destroy? Part Two, Sonnet XXVII RILKE Does Time, as it passes, really destroy? It may rip the fortress from its rock; but can this heart, that belongs to God, be torn...
Thoth’s Wisdom Re: Gratitude | Unity in Ashland
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The Power of Spoken Blessing – 7/19/15 | Unity in Ashland
Cultures all over the world since ancient times have revered the power of the spoken blessing. Blessing creates sacred space, imbues objects with spiritual effectiveness, and anoints humans to carry o...
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Unity in Ashland Oregon
Our Minister | Unity in Ashland
Norma Nakai Burton Our minister, Norma Nakai Burton, gifts Unity in Ashland with her vast array of experience in spiritual practices from around the world. Norma received her BA in Psychology and Reli...