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Urbandale Water Utility - City Water Department - Bill Pay
Whether you are new to Urbandale or are a current resident, the city provides quality water and services at affordable rates for homes and businesses.
How Do I Pay My Water Bill - Urbandale Water Utility | Urbandale Water Utility
Urbandale Water Utility in Iowa provides several payment options for your water bill. We accept payments online as well as by check, cash, or credit card.
E-Statements | Urbandale Water Utility
The Urbandale Water Utility is proud to offer its customers e-statements as a convenient, eco-friendly method to receive monthly statements. By registering for e-statements, customers will receive an ...
Urbandale Water Quality - City of Urbandale Water Utility | Urbandale Water Utility
Urbandale receives water from Des Moines and has purchased land in Johnston, Iowa, for future water services development. We are proud of the safe, clean water.
Urbandale Water Utility Services for New Residents | Urbandale Water Utility
To start, cancel, or transfer your water services, please contact the city water department, Urbandale Water Utility. A service application may be required.
Regional Water Utility Information Center | Urbandale Water Utility
The Urbandale Water Utility (UWU) has been diligently seeking out opportunities to control the ever-increasing cost of providing water to its customers. Since 1934 Urbandale has purchased all of its w...