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Whales - meet the different species - Whale & Dolphin Conservation USA
The whale is a marine mammal. There are around 40 different types which include the largest creature to have lived on the planet - the blue whale.
Whale and dolphin species guide - Whale & Dolphin Conservation USA
There are around 90 species of whales and dolphins found throughout the world's oceans and major waterways of Asia and South America.
Meet the different types of orcas - Whale & Dolphin Conservation USA
Over the last few decades, as wild orca research has expanded, researchers have described different forms or types of orcas, known as ecotypes.
Creating safe places for whales and dolphins to live - Whale & Dolphin Conservation USA
Creating Marine Protected Areas and Important Marine Mammal Areas is vital is we are to protect the places where whales and dolphins live.
Five Facts About Orcas - Whale & Dolphin Conservation USA
Orcas, also known as killer whales, are one of the most recognizable and popular species of whales and dolphins. Orcas are so fascinating and we wanted to share five of our favorite facts about them! ...
North Atlantic right whale - Whale & Dolphin Conservation USA
Only 4-500 North Atlantic right whales survive today. Fishing gear and collisions with boats pose major threats to their future survival.