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Uzbek National Cuisine - Salads!
Sabzavot Va Nukhotli Gazak - Chickpea Salad 3 turnips, 1 white onion, 2 carrots, 200g (7 oz) chickpeas, 50g or 1/4 cup of sour cream, salt and dill to taste. Clean and boil turnips and carrots. Cube...
Uzbek National Cuisine - Breads and Pastas!
Sutli non - Flat bread 1 kg or 7 1/2 cups flour, 30 g (1 oz) yeast, 1-2 cups milk, 3 tablespoons oil, salt. Dilute yeast in warm milk. mix in little sifted flour and oil. Add the rest of the flour and...
Uzbek National Cuisine - Main Courses!
Kovurma Palov - Ferghana Pilaff 1 kg (2 1/4 lb) rice, 500g mutton or beef, 1 kg (36 oz) carrots, 4 onions, 350g vegetable oil, salt, cumin, and cayenne pepper to taste. Heat oil until white smoke app...
Uzbek National Cuisine - Soups!
Kaynatma Shurva - Meat Broth With Vegetables 500 g (18 oz) mutton or beef, 500 g potatoes, 400 g (14 oz) carrots, 6 onions, 5 tomatoes, 1 chili papper, 1 teaspoon ground black pepper, bay leaf, 1/2 bu...
Uzbek National Cuisine - Appetizers!
Yakhna Gosht - Boiled Meat 500g mutton or beef, 500g (18 oz) turnips or carrots, 1 chili pepper, 15 black peppercorns, a few springs dill, 2 bay leaves, salt to taste. Cut meat into 150-200g (6-7 oz)...
Uzbek National Cuisine - Beverages!
500g water, 1 teaspoon black tea. Rinse out china teapot with a bit of boiling water. Add tea and boiling water. Pour 1-2 cups, return to teapot and cover. Kok Choi - Green Tea 500g water, 1 teaspoo...