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Vietcong.Info - News Vietcong.Info
Rules: Registration to this site is free. We do insist that you abide by the rules detailed below: Although the administrators and moderators of will attempt to keep all objectionable...
Vietcong.Info - Downloads: E Vietcong Mods&Add-Ons Vietcong.Info
grenade disappears the moment you throw it away, so you can still blow youself up if you want to. It is nice for maps like NVA-Base, HalongPort and Dustworld. It is an add-on just like Fist Alpha ...
- Vietcong.Info - News Vietcong.Info
Vietcong.Info - Discussion Forum: VCStarter v1.6: Graphical improvements Vietcong.Info
Warnings: Great update indeed. The bullet-tracing feature is just awesome and administrators will appreciate it for sure, but I've run into some problems and I'll try to describe these here as detail...
Vietcong.Info - Discussion Forum: VCStarter v1.5.1: Better performance on newer hardware, and
Hey! I've made another update for VCStarter. It includes a Direct3D 8 to 9 converter and drops HradBa support (who's using this anymore anyways?). More and more reports about bad performance, and ...
Vietcong.Info - Discussion Forum: VC Starter 1.5.1 unlock blood option Vietcong.Info
Warnings: Oh right, this happens because your language is set to "tee" (=teen). Please download this and put the cbf in your Vietcong directory. Now select the language "English ...