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Vietnam 272nd MP Co – "Fighting Deuce"
This web site is dedicated to all members of the 272nd MP Co. who served in Vietnam from 1965 thru 1972. Welcome Home Brothers.
Sign of 272nd – Vietnam 272nd MP Co
Sign of 272nd
Fighting Deuce History – Vietnam 272nd MP Co
"The Fighting Deuce" 272nd MP Company Fighting Deuce Vietnam 1965 – 1972 272nd MP Co. was reactivated on July 1st 1965, at Fort Knox, Kentucky under the command of Lt. Joseph L. Richardson. Captain ...
Forums – Vietnam 272nd MP Co
"Fighting Deuce"
Roll call – Vietnam 272nd MP Co
Roll call
Where are the 272nd members now? – Vietnam 272nd MP Co
Ever wonder where our members are living now? I have broken it down by states of nearly 200 members that I have addresses for and here is how it breaks downs. Surprisingly some members are within 2 or...