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Event Dates - The Virtual Psychic Fair
Here are our online event dates for The Virtual Psychic Fair. (TBD) Our online psychic event is 2 days per month only. Every event has…Read more
About The Virtual Psychic Fair
The Virtual Psychic Fair, premier metaphysical online event. Welcome to The Virtual Psychic Fair online event. Here you can attend our online psychic event
Free Lectures at The Virtual Psychic Fair
Free lectures at The Virtual Psychic Fair. On event dates we have free, live, interactive lectures/workshops via video by top metaphysical teachers
Free Tarot Readings - The Virtual Psychic Fair
Free tarot readings online at The Virtual Psychic Fair. 3 card spread, Regular Celtic Cross spread, Egyptian, Aquatic, plus animated tarot readings online.
Why You Should Attend - The Virtual Psychic Fair
Why attend The Virtual Psychic Fair? Why even have a psychic fair online? As the founder of the three largest, most successful psychic fairs in…Read more
WHEN IS THE VIRTUAL PSYCHIC FAIR? - The Virtual Psychic FairThe Virtual Psychic Fair
Our psychic fair online event is once per month. On event day we are online all day. We also have free lectures every hour. Schedule below: DATES TBA