Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
The data - VOD Clickstream
The VOD Clickstream dataset is 42 months of user activity on Netflix websites. Users opted-in to allow their actions to be anonymously tracked in return for the use of services, tools and browser exte...
Members' Forums - VOD Clickstream
" ).insertBefore( ".diviwp-header-6 .et_mobile_menu .menu-item-has-children > a" ); // when the the sub-menu-toggle gets clicked $( ".diviwp-header-6 .et_mobile_menu .sub-menu-toggle" ).click(fun...
Our Origin Story - VOD Clickstream
A note from VOD Clickstream’s founder Stephen Follows on how the site came to be: I have been a film data analyst for the past decade, mixing it with teaching and running a story agency. Over that tim...
Calculating our scores - VOD Clickstream
Here is a short summary and explanation of the scores we used on VOD Clickstream. Conventions Before we delve into the details, here are some conventions. The clickstream refers to the clicks dataset ...
Movies forum - VOD Clickstream
Movies forum " ).insertBefore( ".diviwp-header-6 .et_mobile_menu .menu-item-has-children > a" ); // when the the sub-menu-toggle gets clicked $( ".diviwp-header-6 .et_mobile_menu .sub-menu-toggle...
Why this matters - VOD Clickstream
VOD Clickstream was created in response to a manufactured scarcity created by the VOD platforms. We passionately believe that filmmakers, creators and producers have a right to know how audiences are ...