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iLab Organizer
ALERT Some usage may not be showing on the Global Confirm Usage page for Core administrors and staff. This data has not been lost and can be found through the Review Usage page, for the individual c...
iLab Organizer :: VUMC MCBR Core (Molecular Cell Biology Resource)
Overview of Services To Contact the MCBR Core, Please email us at: If you use the "contact us" tab at the top of the page, the email originates from "no-reply@iLab" and we are unable...
iLab Organizer :: VUMC Integrated Data Access and Services Core (IDASC)
Overview of Services The IDASC core supports research involving secondary use of clinical data and is a mechanism for receiving programming related to the Synthetic Derivative/BioVU, and the Resear...
iLab Organizer :: VUMC IMGSCT Core (Immunogenomics, Microbial Genetics and Single Cell Technologies)
The facility has pre and post PCR laboratories (rooms U3304 and U3308) that contains two Biomek Robotic liquid handling systems for automated, high throughput assays . Liquid handlers are used where...
iLab Organizer :: VUMC Research Informatics
VUMC Investigators with VUMC center numbers: All VUMC billing numbers are activated in iLab via a nightly feed from Workday. Grant Worktags are auto-assigned to the PI's lab group. All other funds (...
- iLab Organizer :: VUMC Clinical Informatics Core