Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
Please note that this is NOT the Simmons University web site. This site is provided for faculty, staff, and students of Simmons University to post their personal web pages. Please go to https://www.s...
CSS Basics | Comm 333: Web Design II
Comm 333: Web Design II at Simmons College.
Week 1 | Comm 244
About Page Exercise Using what you learned in class today and from the Chapter 5 reading, create an about page which answers the following questions: What's your name? What Graphic Design or Computer ...
Simmons Layout Exercise | Comm 333: Web Design II
Boilerplate CSS You'll want to start by ensuring that both the normalize stylesheet and the stylesheet you downloaded (with typefaces and colors) are attached to your document. You should also add bot...
Syllabus | Comm 333: Web Design II
Comm 333 Web Design II Skip to navigation Course Overview The Web can no longer be thought of as something we interact with solely at our desks in our homes or offices. Instead, we are const...
Web Servers and FTP
Back to Class One page » What do we really mean when we say upload a file or download a file? Web servers are servers and they serve many clients. Your computer (and every computer in this room) is a ...