Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
Web Form Factory (v0.1.3 beta) - Open Source Web Form Generator
Web Form Factory, (WFF) is a web form generator which automatically generates tested web form code that you can use with PHP4/PHP5
Web Form Factory Weblog: Step 7: The Result
Web Form Factory
Web Form Factory Weblog: Step 5: Thank You Page
A thank you page is what a user sees after he/she fills out and submits your form. You need to provide WFF with a thank you page before your form can be manufactured. The thank you page can be any htm...
Web Form Factory Weblog: Can't select text or highlight text in IE?
This issue usually occurs in IE 6 if your form html contains CSS absolute positioning. What happens then is when you try to highlight text, either nothing happens or IE selects the entire block of tex...
Web Form Factory Weblog: WFF source code location
The main difference between the 2 repositories is that we generally update the code on Sourceforge only when there’s a significant release. The Subversion repository, on the other hand, is updated mo...
Web Form Factory Weblog: Step 3: Language
Currently, WFF supports multiple versions of PHP only. Choose the PHP version which corresponds to the one running on your server. If you are not sure which version you current have, we recommend that...