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Popular pages
Welfare Conditionality » What is welfare conditionality?
What is welfare conditionality? Welfare conditionality is about linking welfare rights to ‘responsible’ behaviour. A principle of conditionality holds that that access to certain basic, publicly provi...
Welfare Conditionality » Final findings: WelCond project
Summarises the final findings of the Welfare Conditionality project (2013-2018). It presents analysis on the effectiveness, impacts and ethics of welfare conditionality, and the sanctions and mandator...
Welfare Conditionality » About our research
Who’s taking part People who experience sanctions and support in their everyday lives are central to our research. We’ve interviewed nine groups of people: unemployed people claiming Jobseeker’s Allo...
Welfare Conditionality » Publications
Our project has submitted written evidence to the UN Special Rapporteur on on extreme poverty and human rights, Professor Philip Alston. Professor Alston will undertake an official visit to the UK fr...
Welfare Conditionality » Academic papers by team members
Social Policy & Administration, 54(2): 185-326. Available online at: Articles within the Special Issue: Kaufman, J.: ‘Intensity, moderation, and ...
Welfare Conditionality » Final findings report
University of York