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About — Well May We Say
We tried to let it go. We really did. But ending those podcasts didn't fix the problem. It wasn't us after all! Australia is still fighting hard against humanity. Every day we see stories of the power...
Episode 159 - Insufficiently Shamed (feat Nick Carr) — Well May We Say
Pretty hard to do timestamps this week, it was a pretty wide-ranging discussion. But some real ideas on what we can do did emerge during our chat.
Episode 147 "Anti-Vicsers" (feat Stilgherrian) — Well May We Say
00:02:10 Housing Affordability Is Screwing You, Too 00:39:30 Lockdowns, Anti-Vicsers 01:01:15 What Is The Point Of All This Anyway
Episode 157 "Red Misty" (feat Denise Sear-Pirko) — Well May We Say
01:53 Victorian Election This Very Saturday 21:26 What Shall We Do About Poor Little Twitter
Episode 152 "The last day of Scummo (he names the episode optimistically)" (feat Denise Sear-Pirko
01:36 Frydenberg - "Everything's affordable if it's a priority" 02:17 Frydenberg jokes about everyone in his electorate hating him 02:45 Clive's ONE HOUR ads on seven, nine and ten 04:10 The "no vo...
It's Not An Increase, It's A Bloody Cut — Well May We Say
02:26 Another brutal cut to social security 19:20 Scummo's wife reminds him that covering up rape could be wrong 27:36 The Dumbest Way To Try To Shake Down Facebook