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Personalised Wellness Solution: Wellness 30
Personalised Wellness Solution: Wellness 30 Your Personalised Wellness Solution Wellness ATP provides a personalized nutrition intervention designed specially for you based on your genetic and blood p...
About Us
About Us Personalized Nutrition Wellness Solutions " The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition. " ~ Thomas Ediso...
Nutri-balanced Meals
Nutri-balanced Meals Nutri - balanced meals DIscovering one of the reasons for most of the community having trouble achieving health goals is getting meals for health, we Wellness ATP has partnered wi...
Career Wishing to become a healthcare expert? The following programme is conducted by School of Complementary & Traditional Medicine (SCOTMED) in collaboration with University College of Yayasan Pahan...
Nutrigenomic UNIQUE DNA
Nutrigenomic UNIQUE DNA From the Inside In medicine, the difference between treating symptoms and curing an illness is easy to distinguish. Diabetes, for example, you may be prescribed with diabetic m...
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