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Homeless Program | The Wellspring Alliance for Families
Homeless The Wellspring has been committed to helping our neighbors find safe, affordable and dignified housing since our founding in 1931. We provide more housing assistance for our homeless neighbor...
About | The Wellspring Alliance for Families
One Life At A Time The Wellspring is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 1931. With more than 90 years of experience serving Northeast Louisiana, we are one of the state’s oldest, most effective and most...
Counseling & Family Development Center | The Wellspring Alliance for Families
Counseling & Family Development Center The Counseling & Family Development Center (CFDC) is a program of The Wellspring. Established in 1998, the CFDC is one of the area’s premier providers of counsel...
Services | The Wellspring Alliance for Families
Our Services The Wellspring is a multifaceted organization, our mission is to serve the people of Northeast Louisiana by providing the services they need to address and solve the problems they’re fa...
My Community Cares | The Wellspring Alliance for Families
FAMILIES My Community Care (MCC) is a community-driven approach that brings children and families with lived experience in the child welfare system, community members, and agencies together to co-desi...
Help Domestic Violence | The Wellspring Alliance for Families
First things first – if you are in immediate danger, please call 911. If you experience domestic violence, please know you are not alone. 35.9% of Louisiana women and 35.2% of Louisiana men experience...