Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
Popular pages
Werewolf Wiki
Welcome to the Werewolf Wiki This is the official wiki of lykos, a Werewolf IRC bot. It aims to provide information for players, bot administrators, and developers alike. Come join us on #werewolf at ...
Commands - Werewolf Wiki
Commands <like so> are required. Parameters wrapped in square brackets [like so] are optional. The prefix ! is used here, as it is the default, but it may differ based on what the bot operator confi...
Roles - Werewolf Wiki
Roles Contents Village team roles The village team wins when they lynch or otherwise kill every player with a wolf role. Other members of the wolf team do not count towards determining this win condit...
FAQ - Werewolf Wiki
FAQ This page details answers to questions and clarifications that are viewed to be helpful and relevant to a majority of Werewolf players. These are generally related to how the bot works and how/why...
Networks - Werewolf Wiki
Networks #werewolf The biggest Werewolf IRC channel powered by lykos. This is the primary/official instance of the bot. Most active developers are in there, as well as #lykos on the same network. #we...
Default - Werewolf Wiki
Default The default game mode is considered the standard mode in Werewolf, having a balanced set of diverse roles. It is the most likely mode to appear if there is no voting majority, having a freque...